Meine Buchnotizen – How I Lost 170 Million Dollars von Noah Kagan
In seinem kostenlosen Buch How I Lost 170 Million Dollars: My Time as #30 at Facebook schreibt Noah Kagan über die Anfänge von Facebook.
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People should not quit their day jobs until they have their side business going.
A great way to see what a company values is by looking at the percentage of employees assigned to different departments. At that time, Facebook had 50 people and here’s how it looked: 40% engineers 20% system administrators 20% customer service 15% general administrative (accounting, marketing, HR) 5% product managers. The company looked at engineers as gods. Engineers create. Everyone else’s role is to support them as much as possible and remove anything in their way.
Facebook did an amazing job hiring self-starters. Some needed handholding, but mostly, the team was amazing and could run without a product manager once the goal and parameters were made clear.
Decisions were either top down, mostly from Mark, or bottom-up — led by a developer’s proposal that resonated with Mark. No upper committee trying to figure things out and dictate to the people in the trenches.
The liberty we had to push features enabled us to have more freedom and a feeling of ownership of the product. As an employee, a feeling of purpose is huge and being able to launch something and instantly see people using it is greatly satisfying.
On a white board, Mark wrote the word “growth” and nothing else. He said if any feature didn’t help do that then he was not interested and the idea was crushed. That was the only priority that mattered and his singular focus on accomplishing something has stuck with me till today.
Singular focus — it helped us all stay on track, all the time.
Execute a small test with a specific result and let that make the decision.
The power of “Facebook the organization” – a combination of Mark’s persistence and perfection, a culture that encourages creativity, experimenting with ideas, breaking things at fast speeds, and a small group of talented people creating a tool benefitting millions of people.
Many times the users didn’t know what they wanted until we showed it to them.
Mark recognized early that having a work environment you want to work at would appeal to potential employees and make the existing ones much more proud to be there (and stay later at night).
It was all about making people want to work there. Chairs that cost $1,000 each were considered a must for the whole office.
Mark hiring an executive coach – what we were doing with 30 people he couldn’t be doing with 150 and even now with 2,500+ employees.
Mark was always open to listening and making a final decision.
Mark’s ability to add people and immediately remove people is one of his strongest skills. He removed people immediately who were holding Facebook back and quickly promoted the ones who were helping it achieve success.
Build great things and then people will be curious about the person made those products.
“I’m not trying to get as rich as possible. I could have sold Facebook a while ago and had more than enough money than I would have known what to do with.” Working with Mark and hearing that quote reminded me how he was all about doing something great and not just about making money. It’s a healthy reminder to keep doing that and you’ll get whatever success you define for yourself.

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Bildquelle: Pixabay, CC0 Creative Commons
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