Meine Buchnotizen – The 10 Pillars of Wealth von Alex Becker
In seinem Buch „The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World’s Richest People“ beschreibt Internet Entrepreneur Alex Becker die Grundprinzipien des Erfolgs und Wohlstands.
Gelesen im März 2017.
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Set strict hours and goals; for example, work three hours a night until you are making $3,000 a month and then quit your job to devote more hours to your business.
Whenever you feel scarcity creeping into your life, start looking for ways to expand. You must keep abundance in your life and keep giving yourself proof that there is abundance. The best ways to prove this to yourself are by expanding your business and by doing anything possible to create more wealth.
The most important thing to learn is selling, and the best way to learn how to sell is to get experience selling.
Focus on the problem you currently have. Your only problem right now is getting clients, so go get clients.
The definition of a mistake is “A lesson that will make you money in the future,” instead of “A reason not to take action.”
How do you get paid? You get a client! Your biggest issue is getting a client to buy your product or service. Everything you do and learn should be focused around this one outcome.
Lay out the one thing you need to learn to do this. In this situation, it would be that you need to learn how to sell. After that, identify three immediate actions you can start doing right now that can result in getting a client. For example: Cold calling businesses. Emailing businesses. Attending business networking events. Then, put all of this in an action paragraph. “My only issue is getting a client. I need to learn selling and only selling. I need to be cold calling businesses, e-mailing businesses, and attending business events at every possible opportunity I have.”
If running is what gets us paid, so running is solely what we focus on. We do not do anything except run unless it helps us with running faster/more/better and can’t be outsourced. Everything that can be delegated, such as cooking our food and cleaning our clothes, must be delegated. This is the single easiest way to make as much money as quickly as possible.
In my business, there are three things that generate the most income. If I spend all day, every day doing these things, I get richer and richer. These are generating leads, selling in webinars, and creating sales material to send to people.
How to identify your highest ROI actions while removing your lowest ROI actions: if your goal is to get paid, focus on the action that directly leads to getting paid.
Goal: get ten clients at 1000$ per month in marketing business.
Consider the list of actions to reach this goal:
- Read four marketing books
- Work on ranking SEO websites for practice
- Learn AdWords and Facebook advertising
- Create a business website
- Cold call and e-mail potential clients
Cold calling and e-mailing is the only action that directly leads to getting paid. The highest ROI action is selling to clients and this is that should be done every waking hour of every day.
Hire someone for 30% of the revenue so you can focus solely on selling.
Now we want to grow the business, lets take a look at the list of selling actions:
- Make 500 cold calls (40 hours)
- Send and respond to a 1000 e-mails (40 hours)
- Make 250 follow-up calls (40 hours)
- Close the deal in one-on-one meetings (40 hours)
Closing the deal is the only action that leads to getting paid. In this example, half of the time the deal is sealed. Every two hours in a meeting result in one new client. That’s 500$ per hour worked. So be in one-on-one meetings every minute of every day.
Hire a team to do cold calling, e-mailing and follow-up calling.
Identify high ROI actions and remove low ROI actions from your day. Apply the exercise over and over to obtain more and more money.
When we are frustrated with our income and not sure how to increase it, we just need to write out our goals and identify which ones are not directly creating the ROI we need. We can then either stop doing them completely or hire someone to do them for us.
If you want to start making money fast, you have to focus only on the actions that get you paid.
Beginners who need money now spend countless hours on learning, reading books about the topic at hand, and essentially doing everything all at once. Reading a book now might get you paid more a month from now. Picking up the phone and getting a client (or doing only actions that generate income) now will get you paid today. You will be learning far more from “doing” (actions) than you will ever learn from “learning about doing.” If you know a topic well enough, get out there and get paid.
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Bildquelle: Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain
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