Meine Buchnotizen – Discipline Equals Freedom von Jocko Willink

Discipline Equals Freedom von Jocko Willink

Jocko Willink hat 20 Jahre als Navy SEAL gedient und hat im Ruhestand eine Management Beratung aufgebaut. In deisem Buch erläutert er seine Prinzipien. Auch die Workouts sind sehr interessant.

Discipline Equals Freedom von Jocko WillinkGelesen im Dezember 2017.
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People look for the shortcut. The hack. You won’t find it. The shortcut is a lie. The hack doesn’t get you there. And if you want to take the easy road, it won’t take you to where you want to be:
Stronger. Smarter. Faster. Healthier. Better. Free.
There is no easy way. There is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline.

Discipline: The root of all good qualities.
The driver of daily execution. The core principle that overcomes laziness and lethargy and excuses. Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that say: Not today, not now, I need a rest, I will do it tomorrow.

To me, it is not about nature or nurture: It is about choice. The people who are successful decide they are going to be successful.

They make that choice. And they make other choices. They decide to study hard. They decide to work hard. They decide to be the first person to get to work and the last to go home. They decide they are going to take on the hard jobs. Take on the challenges. They decide they are going to lead when no one else will.

You have control over your mind. You just have to assert it.
You have to decide that you are going to be in control, that you are going to do what YOU want to do.
Weakness doesn’t get a vote.
Laziness doesn’t get a vote.
Sadness doesn’t get a vote.
Frustration doesn’t get a vote.
Negativity doesn’t get a vote.
Your temper doesn’t get a vote.
So next time you are feeling weak or lazy or soft or emotional, tell those feelings they don’t get a vote.

Me? I am weak, in all those ways, I am weak.
BUT I don’t accept that.
I don’t accept that I am what I am and that “that” is what I am doomed to be.
NO. I do not accept that.
I’m fighting.

That is what I want you to be afraid of:
Waking up in six days or six weeks or six years or SIXTY YEARS and being no closer to your goal … You have made NO PROGRESS.
That is the horror. That is the nightmare. That is what you really need to be afraid of: Being stagnant.

How do I handle those days when I’m just not “feeling it”?
Those days when I am tired or worn out or just sick of the grind …
What do I do on those days?

Don’t really want to work out? I work out.
Don’t really want to hammer on a project? I hammer on the project.
Don’t really want to get up and get out of bed?

Now—these could be signals that you need some time off—and those signals might be right.
BUT—don’t take today off. Wait until tomorrow.

I don’t like procrastination. But if you feel like you need a break—that is one thing you should procrastinate.
Taking a break is the one thing I put off until tomorrow.
And if—when tomorrow comes—you still feel like you need rest or you need a break—then go ahead: Take it. Chances are you won’t.

The most important thing to learn is that we have so much to learn.

How do I deal with setbacks, failures, delays, defeats, or other disasters? I actually have a fairly simple way of dealing with these situations, summed up in one word: “Good.”

Oh, mission got canceled? Good. We can focus
on another one.
Didn’t get the new high-speed gear we wanted?
Good. We can keep it simple.
Didn’t get promoted? Good. More time to get better.
Didn’t get funded? Good. We own more of the company.
Didn’t get the job you wanted? Good. Go out, gain more experience, and build a better resume.
Got injured? Good. Needed a break from training.
Got tapped out? Good. It’s better to tap out in training than to tap out on the street.
Got beat? Good. We learned.
Unexpected problems? Good. We have the opportunity to figure out a solution.

Accept reality, but focus on the solution.

Don’t worry about motivation.
Motivation is fickle. It comes and goes.
It is unreliable and when you are counting on motivation to get your goals accomplished—you will likely fall short.
Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be.
Don’t count on motivation.
Count on Discipline.
You know what you have to do.

How to engage gossip: “I heard you had some pointers for me about how I’m doing my job. I’d love to get your feedback so I can tighten up my game.”

Outwork and outperform every last one of them.

Life is tough. But it gets a lot easier when you are laughing at it.

There is one time of day that no can take away from you: predawn.

When the alarm clock goes off — get up. Put on your pre-staged clothes. Brush your teeth and go get your workout on. Hard. Get done, shower, get dressed, and begin to crush your list of tasks for the day.

Since sleep must be a priority to maintain health, how can we get enough sleep and still wake up early?
The answer is simple: Go to bed earlier.

Going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 5 a.m. gets you a solid seven hours.
Go to bed at 9:55 p.m. and you can get up at 4:55 a.m., still get your seven hours, and be up before the enemy.

Getting a hard workout in the early morning will not only energize you during the day but will also make you fall asleep faster at night.

The key to getting to sleep early is GETTING UP EARLY.

Do it every day. People ask me if I still get up early on the weekends. YES. For a bunch of reasons. Obviously, the weekend is only two days so I want to get up and take advantage of it. I get up early, get my workout done, and complete any must-do tasks as quickly as possible. That allows for time to relax and enjoy without things hanging over your head. The other reason I wake up early on weekends is to keep my sleep pattern consistent.

Don’t break the cycle. Get up early every day. If you need extra sleep, take a power nap.

Power naps: goal is to elevate the feet above heart and sleep for ten to fifteen minutes before lunch. Lie down on the floor, put feet up on the bed.

What should a workout actually consist of? The most important thing to do is SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

My workouts are divided into some broad types of movements: Pull, Push, Lift, Squat. In addition to those, the workouts focus working the “Gut” and metabolic conditioning (MetCon).

Martial arts: Start with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It is a form of grappling that is highly advanced because, for the most part, the actual fighting takes place on the ground. This is a key point, because our first form of self-defense is to get away—yes, run. If you are confronted by another person or a group of people, the best thing you can do is run away: avoid the conflict. This is relatively easy if someone is trying to strike you with punches or kicks. They do not have control over you, so you can simply run away from them. You have won.

The problem comes in a self-defense situation when someone is grabbing you. Now they are preventing your first line of defense: Running away. As soon as someone grabs you, you are in a grappling scenario, and one of the most critical parts of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is escaping from someone’s grip so you can run.

Oftentimes, an attacker will take you to the ground in order to prevent you from escaping their grip. When this happens, the ability to ground fight is used not to stay on the ground but to get up and get away from the attacker. The first goal of a beginner in jiu-jitsu is not to get the fight to the ground, but to get up off the ground and get away. This is an important distinction from people who believe the goal of self-defense in jiu-jitsu is to get the attacker to the ground. This is not true. The goal is to get away.

In areas where there might not be any Brazilian jiu-jitsu schools, judo is the next best replacement. The Russian art of SAMBO is also an extremely effective grappling art with an emphasis on leg locks.

There are other martial arts that can be good to look into such as Krav Maga and Systema, both of which focus on self-defense as its primary mission.

If the martial art you are training in is easy, it isn’t likely doing you much good.

Stop eating sugar.

It is better to eat what we have evolved to eat — that is the diet of Paleolithic man or caveman. Here is what that diet consists of:

Eat these:
• Beef (preferably grass-fed)
• Poultry (preferably free-range)
• Fish
• Eggs
• Nuts
• Vegetables
• Fungi
• Roots
• Some dairy (full-fat butter, cream, yogurt, cheese)
• Limited fruit

Do not eat these:
• Grains (wheat, rice, corn)
• Potatoes
• Refined salt
• Refined sugar
• Processed oils (margarine)
• Legumes

Fasting is a gift. All those times you are at a party or the airport or on a train and they don’t have any good, healthy food for you to eat, the answer is simple:

In this age, much of the food around is actually trying to kill you.
It is poison.
Donuts? Poison. Soda? Poison. Potato chips? Poison. YOU DON’T NEED IT.

Humans can survive thirty days without food.

Here is a nice little warm-up:
Hang on the pull-up bar for 10–15 seconds. Get in the push-up position and hold it for 10–15 seconds. Drop your hips to the ground and stretch your abs. Lift your hips to the sky and stretch your hamstrings and your back. Stand up. Do a slow squat and sit at the bottom for 10–15 seconds. Do a burpee. Do a few jumping jacks.
Now go back to the bar and do one pull-up. Drop down and do a push-up, then do a slow dive-bomber push-up. Stand up and do a slow, full-range-of-motion squat. Follow that up with a burpee, then five jumping jacks.
Now repeat the cycle again, doing two repetitions of each exercise and ten jumping jacks. Then do the cycle with 3 repetitions of each exercise and 15 jumping jacks. Continue increasing repetitions until you get to 5 of each exercise and 25 jumping jacks.
That is a solid warm-up; the blood is flowing.


Primary Work: 8 sets of max pull-ups. 2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups
MetCon: Run 400 meters 2 times

Directions: If you can do dead-hang pull-ups, do as many as you can each set, and then add 3–5 kipping pull-ups to the end of each set without dropping off the bar. If you can’t do any pull-ups at all, then use the ground or a stable box on the ground to jump up and get your chin over the bar. Once your chin is over the bar, hold yourself there as long as you can (negative repetition).

Primary Work: 8 sets of max push-ups. 2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Gut: 2 minutes of leg-raises, 10–45 degrees
MetCon: Max burpees in 2 minutes

Directions:  Vary the width of your hands: from 6 inches closer than shoulder-width to 6 inches farther apart than shoulder-width.
If you can’t do any push-ups at all, try doing them from your knees instead of toes. If even that is difficult, try leaning into a wall and see what you can do there.

Primary Work: 8 handstand holds. 2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Gut: 2 minutes of V-ups
MetCon: Run 400 meters 2 times, max effort

Directions:  Do not do handstands until muscle failure, but to muscle fatigue. Count how many seconds you hold the position. Use a wall to balance yourself during the handstands. Try not to rely upon it too much.
If you cannot do a handstand at all, get in the push-up position with your feet touching a wall. Walk your feet up the wall and walk your hands closer to the wall. See how close you can get to vertical. Walk your feet and hands back down. Repeat that 8 times.

Primary Work: 50 forward lunges for each leg, alternate legs with each repetition.
Gut: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of reverse crunches
MetCon: Max burpees in 2 minutes

Directions: Your knee should brush the ground on each lunge repetition.  If you reach muscle fatigue, take a 2–3 minute break. Repeat until you have done the 50 lunges.


Primary Work: 5 sets of pull-ups, maintaining reps. 2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups
MetCon: Run 400 meters 2 times

Directions: Maintaining reps – for the first-set workout, do your maximum set of pull-ups. For the remaining 4 sets, do as many pull-ups as you can, and once you drop off the bar, give yourself a 10–15 second rest before jumping up on the bar and doing more pull-ups until you reach the same number of pull-ups that you did in your first max set. This is called a “broken set,” meaning you cannot perform the required repetitions, so you take a quick break and then continue.

Primary Work: 5 sets of push-ups, maintaining reps. 2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Gut: 2 minutes of leg-raises, 10–45 degrees
MetCon: 2 minutes of max burpees

Directions: If you cannot do full push-ups, do push-ups from your knees. If you can’t do push-ups from the knees, do push-ups against the wall.

Primary Work: 5 handstand negatives
Secondary Work: Arm circles, side, front, overhead
Gut: 2 minutes of V-ups
MetCon: Run 800 meters, as hard as you can

Directions: Get into the handstand position and lower yourself as slowly as you can. Use a wall to maintain your balance. Once your head reaches the ground, drop your feet to the ground, stand up and rest for 2–3 minutes, then do it again for 5 full repetitions. Once that is complete do 1 minute each of arm circles to the side, to the front, and overhead.

Primary Work: 20 sek jump squats, 20 sek squat thrusts, 20 sek lunges. Rest 2 minutes. 3 rounds.
Gut: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of reverse crunches
MetCon: Run 1,6 kilometers (1 mile)



Primary Work: Pull-up pyramid
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups
MetCon: 4 x 100-yard shuttle runs. 2–3 minutes rest between sets.

Directions: This workout is recommended when you can do at least 5 pull-ups. Pull-up pyramid: 1 pull-up, rest a bit, 2, rest 3, rest … repeat until you cannot beat your previous number. When you miss your previous number, drop off the bar, shake it out quickly, and then get up and complete the set. Now come back down the “pyramid” by decreasing 1 pull-up from the previous set. If you can’t do all the pull-ups in a single set to get to the required number, do the required number in a broken set.
For the shuttle runs, mark a start line and then a line at 5, 10, 15, and 20 meters. Start on the starting line and run to the 5 meter line, touch the line, run back to the start line; repeat this for the 10, 15, and 20 meter lines. Keep your time. Complete 4 sets. Take 2–3 minutes between sets.

Primary Work: Push-up pyramid
Gut: 2 minutes of V-ups
MetCon: Run 1,6 kilometers (1 mile), hard

Directions: This workout is recommended when you can do at least 6–10 push-ups. It follows the same pattern as the pull-up pyramid. If you cannot do any push-ups, do them on an incline, such as against a wall or with your hands on a table or a bench.

Primary Work: 4 handstand holds
Secondary Work: 1 minute of arm haulers
Tertiary Work: 1 minute arm circles for each position: side, front, overhead
Gut: Hold a plank for 1 minute
MetCon: 1 squat thrust and 5 jumping jacks repeatedly for 2 minutes for max number of burpees

Directions:  Once complete primary, secondary and tertiary work is complete, rest for about 2–3 minutes and repeat the circuit 3 more times.

Primary Work: 5 sets of 10 squats followed by 5 forward lunges (1 repetition for each leg)
Gut: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of reverse crunches, hold 1-minute plank
MetCon: Run 400 meters 2 times. Rest 2–3 minutes in between

Directions: Rest as needed, but try to maintain a steady pace and move through the exercises with minimum rest.


Primary Work: 5 sets of pull-up sprints, 1 minute on, 2 minutes rest
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups
MetCon: 4 x 100-meter shuttle runs (5, 10, 15 & 20 meter). 2–3 minutes rest between sets.

Directions: This workout is to gain strength and some endurance in your pull-up muscles. Set a timer for 1 minute of work and 2 minutes of rest. During the 1 minute of work, do as many pull-ups as you can. These will likely be broken sets. Make the rest during the work set as short as possible (5–7 seconds) before jumping back on the bar and continuing to do pull-ups until the minute is complete. Once the minute is over, rest for 2 minutes, then do another minute of pull-ups. Repeat this until you have done 5 sets of pull-ups.

Primary Work: 1 minute of push-up sprints and 2 minutes rest for 5 sets
Gut: Hold 1-minute plank
MetCon: 2 minutes of burpees

Directions: Similar to the pull-up sprints.

Primary Work: 5 minutes of handstand holds
Secondary Work: 1 minute of arm haulers
Tertiary Work: 1 minute of arm circles for each position: side, front, overhead
Gut: 2 minutes of V-ups
MetCon: Run 400 meters 2 times, max effort

Directions:  Do not do this workout if you cannot hold a handstand position for at least 1 minute. If you cannot hold a handstand position for at least 1 minute, go back to the Lift workout in Series 1, 2, or 3.
For this workout go into the handstand position using a wall for balance. Stay there as long as you can without reaching complete muscle failure and falling onto your head.  Repeat sets until you have reached a total amount of 5 minutes.

Primary Work: 50 forward lunges for each leg and 50 squats
Gut: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of reverse crunches
MetCon: Max burpees in 2 minutes

Directions: Do the lunges in a steady controlled manner. Your knee should brush the ground on each repetition. If you reach muscle fatigue, take a 2–3 minute break and then continue. Repeat until you have done the 50 lunges. Once you have completed 50 lunges, do 50 body-weight squats.


Primary Work: 8 sets of max pull-ups/chin-ups
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang cleans with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Tertiary work: 6 sets straight-bar reverse-grip curls (aiming for 6–10 repetitions), swith to normal grip and complete another maximum set. Rest approximately 1 minute.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups, 2 minutes of leg-raises
MetCon: Run 400 meters sprint 3 times

Primary Work: 8 sets of max dips, followed by max push-ups. Rest for 2–3 minutes.
Secondary Work: 40 Hang snatch movements with PVC pipe
Gut: 100 V-ups
MetCon: Max burpees in 3 minutes

Primary Work: 8 sets of max handstand push-ups followed by 1 minute of rest followed by deadlift
Secondary Work: 5 sets of barbell press
Gut: 4 sets of knees to elbows, max reps. Hang from a pull-up bar and raise your knees to touch your elbows. Rest for 2–3 minutes.
MetCon: 6 x 100-meter shuttle runs. 1 minute of rest between sets.

For the deadlift, utilize a weight you can lift for 6–8 repetitions. You will get fewer repetitions of each exercise the more sets you do. That is okay. Keep form correct to avoid injury, especially with the deadlift.
Do barbell presses with a moderate weight that you can get 4–8 repetitions of.

Primary Work: 50 Back squats with half your body weight
Secondary Work: 50 Overhead squats with a PVC pipe
Tertiary Work: 50 Jump squats
Gut: 3-minute plank
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Break up the back squats set as needed to complete the work.
Run at a good pace to get metabolic conditioning, but also to loosen the legs after the higher-intensity work. Run hard, but not with an all-out effort.


Primary Work: 50 dead-hang pull-ups and 100 kipping pull-ups as quickly as possible.
Secondary Work: 6 sets of cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set
Tertiary Work: 6 sets straight-bar reverse-grip curls (aiming for 6–10 repetitions), swith to normal grip and complete another maximum set. Rest approximately 1 minute.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups, 2 minutes of leg-raises
MetCon: Max burpee pull-ups in 5 minutes

Primary Work: 50 dips and 100 push-ups as quickly as possible.
Secondary Work: 40 Snatch movements with a PVC pipe
Gut: 100 V-ups
MetCon: Max burpees in 3 minutes

Primary Work: 50 handstand push-ups and 50 body-weight deadlifts for time
Secondary Work: 5 sets of barbell press (4–8 repetitions)
Tertiary Work: 40 clean and jerks with PVC pipe
Gut: 4 sets of knees to elbows, max reps. Rest 2–3 minutes between sets.
MetCon: 6 x 100-meter shuttle runs. 1 minute of rest between sets.

Primary Work: 6 max sets of back squats with 100% body weight. Rest 2–3 minutes between each set.
Secondary Work: 6 sets of front squats with 50% body weight
Tertiary Work: 50 Overhead squats with PVC pipe
Gut: 3-minute plank
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Maintain correct form for squats. If form weakens, stop, rest, and move on to the next set.
Form is paramount; if your form weakens, your set is complete.


Primary Work: 5 sets of max L-sit pull-ups, 15 sek rest, max L-tuck pull-ups, 15 sek rest, max dead-hang pull-ups, 15 sek rest, max kipping pull-ups, 15 sek rest, max chin-ups. Rest 2–3 minutes
Secondary Work: 4 set of cleans with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Tertiary Work: 6 sets straight-bar reverse-grip curls (aiming for 6–10 repetitions), swith to normal grip and complete another maximum set. Rest approximately 1 minute.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups, 2 minutes of leg-raises
MetCon: 20, 15, 10, 5 of pull-ups/cleans

MetCon: Complete sets of 20, 15, 10, and 5 repetitions alternating between pull-ups and cleans. For the cleans, use the heaviest weight you can without breaking up your sets.

Primary Work: 5 sets of max dips, 15 sek rest, max clap push-ups, 15 sek rest, max deep push-ups, 15 sek rest, max triceps push-ups. Rest 2–3 minutes
Secondary Work: 40 snatch movements with PVC pipe
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists
MetCon: Max burpees in 3 minutes

Primary Work: 8 max sets of HSPUs (Handstand Push-ups) and 8 sets of body-weight deadlifts
Secondary work: 30 Clean and jerk movement drills with approximately 25% of body weight
Gut: 4 sets of hanging straight leg-raises, max reps. Rest 2–3 minutes between sets.
MetCon: 6 x 100-meter shuttle runs. 1 minute of rest between sets.

Primary Work: 8 max sets of front squats ~50% body weight. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Secondary Work: 3 max sets of back squats ~100% body weight Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Tertiary Work: 50 Overhead squats with a PVC pipe
Gut: 3-minute plank
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run



Primary Work: Every Minute On The Minute (EMOTM): pull-up pyramid
Secondary Work: 6 sets of cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions
Tertiary Work: 6 sets straight-bar reverse-grip curls (aiming for 6–10 repetitions), swith to normal grip and complete another maximum set. Rest approximately 1 minute.
Gut: 2 minutes of sit-ups, 2 minutes of leg-raises
MetCon: Max burpee / pull-ups in 5 minutes

Set a timer for 1 minute. The first minute do 1 pull-up, the second minute do 2 pull-ups, the third minute do 3 pull-ups. Start with dead-hang pull-ups and transition into kipping pull-ups as needed to achieve the required number. Continue to increase the number of pull-ups by 1 each set, until you do not beat your previous number. Complete that number of pull-ups by breaking up the set and finishing. Then come back down the pyramid breaking up sets as needed and resting 1–2 minutes between sets.
MetCon: Do sets of 20, 15, 10, and 5 repetitions alternating between pull-ups and burpees.

Primary Work: On the minute dip pyramid
Secondary Work: On the minute push-up pyramid
Tertiary Work: 40 Snatch movements with a PVC pipe
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists
MetCon: Max burpees in 3 minutes

Set a timer for 1 minute. The first minute do 1 dip, the second minute do 2 dips, the third minute do 3 dips. Use slow, deep, full-range-of-motion dips. Continue to increase the number of pull-ups by 1 each set, until you do not complete the required number. Complete that number of dips by breaking up the set and finishing. Then come back down the pyramid breaking up sets as needed and resting 1–2 minutes between sets.
Once dips are completed, do the same thing again, but using strict, full-range-of-motion push-ups.

Primary Work: Tabata body-weight deadlifts followed by Tabata HSPUs
Secondary Work: 30 Clean and jerk movement drills (approximately 25% of body weight)
Gut: 4 max sets of hanging straight leg-raises. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
MetCon: 6 x 100-meter shuttle runs. 1 minute of rest between sets.

For the Tabata protocol, set a timer for 8 sets of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Use this protocol to do the max number of deadlift repetitions with body weight on the bar. Strict form is paramount to avoid injury. Once the deadlifts are complete, do the same protocol for HSPUs.

Primary Work: 8 max sets of back squats ~100% body weight. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
Secondary Work: 3 max sets of front squats ~50% body weight. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
Gut: 3-minute plank
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Do not go to muscle failure, only muscle fatigue. Keep form right and correct. Failure to maintain proper form can result in serious injury.


Primary Work: 5 sets of max weighted (~20% of your body weight) dead-hang pull-ups. Rest 2 minutes between each set.  5 sets of max weighted (~20% of your body weigh) kipping pull-ups. Rest 2 minutes between each set.  5 sets of dead-hang pull-ups (without weight).  Rest 2 minutes between each set.  Finally do 5 max sets of non-weighted kipping pull-ups.
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists
MetCon: 25 pull-ups/run 400 meters x 4

Primary Work: 5 sets of max weighted (~20% of your body weight) ring-dips. Rest 2 minutes between each set. 5 sets of max weighted dips. When unwighted ring-dips and dips.
Gut: 5 sets of hanging leg-raises
MetCon: Power snatch (~30–40% of your body weight) /clap push-ups/burpees 20, 15, 10, 5

Primary Work: Snatch, clean and jerk, deadlift
Gut: 100 GHD sit-ups
MetCon: 6 x 100-meter shuttle runs

Form and technique are absolutely critical. Sacrificing proper form will not make you stronger; it will only make you injured. Attending a live, hands-on coaching program by a professional for these lifts is highly recommended prior to these workouts. If you cannot perform these lifts with strict technique and form, DO NOT DO THEM. YOU WILL GET INJURED.
Begin snatching 3–5 repetitions per weight. Increase weight toward maximum 5–20 pounds each lift, looking to reach your maximum in approximately 8 sets. Once you have missed a weight 2 times, switch to the clean and jerk. Continue to add weight in 5–20 pound increments until you reach your maximum, which you are trying to do in approximately 6 sets. Once you have missed 2 clean and jerks, switch to the deadlift. Continue to add weight in increments of 10–50 pounds until you have reached your maximum. Once you have reached your maximum, do 2 singles at that weight.

Primary Work: Overhead squat, front squat, back squat
Gut: 5 sets of max hanging leg-raises
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Maintain strict form when doing these exercises. Failure to do so can and will result in serious injury. Do not let your ego dictate the weight you use.
Rest approximately 2 minutes between each of these sets. Begin overhead squats in 3–5 repetitions per weight. Increase weight toward maximum 5–20 pounds each lift, looking to reach your maximum in approximately 8 sets. Once you have missed a weight, switch to the front squat. Continue to add weight in 5–20 pound increments until you reach your maximum, which you are trying to do in approximately 6 sets. Once you have missed a front squat, switch to the back squat. Continue to add weight in increments of 10–20 pounds until you have reached your maximum. Once you have reached your maximum, do 2 singles at that weight.

Primary Work: 30 muscle-ups, 100 dead-hang pull-ups, 100 kipping pull-ups as fast as possible.
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Tertiary Work: 5 sets of reverse curls followed by curls, with a weight that allows you to complete 8–12 repetitions.
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists, 100 sit-ups, 100 reverse crunches
MetCon: 4 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5 of pull-ups/cleans (~60% body weight)

Primary Work: 100 Ring-dips, 100 dips, 100 ring push-ups, 100 push-ups
Gut: 5 sets of hanging leg-raises
MetCon: 100 burpees, as fast as possible

Primary Work: 8–10 sets of deadlift, building up to 4 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 2–4 repetitions.
Gut: 100 GHD sit-ups
MetCon: Circuit HSPU, clean and jerk, deadlift

MetCon: Set up a bar with ~150% of your body weight, and one bar with ~60% of your body weight. For time, perform 4 rounds of HSPUs, clean and jerks with ~60% body weight, and deadlifts with ~150% body weight with these repetitions: 20, 15, 10, 5.

Primary Work: 8–10 sets of back squats, building up to 4 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 2–4 repetitions.
Gut: 100 sit-ups with ~20% body weight on chest
MetCon: 4 rounds (20, 15, 10, 5 repetitions) of overhead squat (~60% body weight ), back squat (100% body weight), 400 meter run

Maintain strict form when doing these exercises. Failure to do so can and will result in serious injury. Do not let your ego dictate the weight you use.


Primary Work: 3 minutes on 1-minute rest: muscle-ups, L-sit pull-ups, L-tuck pull-ups, dead-hang pull-ups, dead-hang chin-ups, kipping pull-ups
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Tertiary Work: 5 sets of reverse curls followed by curls, with a weight that allows you to complete 8–12 repetitions.
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists
MetCon: 4 sets of cleans/pull-ups with these repetitions: 20, 15, 10, 5

Set your timer for 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest. Perform as many muscle-ups as you can in 3 minutes, then rest 1 minute. Repeat the same pattern for L-sit pull-ups, L-tuck pull-ups, dead-hang pull-ups, dead-hang chin-ups, and kipping pull-ups. Once your time is up for kipping pull-ups, continue doing kipping pull-ups until you reach 100.

Primary Work: 3 minutes on 1-minute rest: ring-dips, ring push-ups, dips, clap push-ups, deep push-ups, push-ups
Secondary Work: 40 snatch movements with an extremely light weight.
Gut: 5-minute plank
MetCon: 3 rounds of max burpees in 3 minutes with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

Set your timer for 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest. Perform as many ring-dips as you can in 3 minutes, then rest 1 minute. Repeat the same pattern for ring push-ups, dips, clap push-ups, deep push-ups, and regular push-ups. Once your time is up for push-ups, continue doing push-ups until you reach 100.

Primary Work: 8–10 sets of the clean and jerks, building up to 4 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 2–4 repetitions.
Gut: 100 V-ups followed by 100 Russian twists holding 10–25 pounds.
MetCon: Circuit HSPUs, clean and jerks, deadlifts

Form and technique are absolutely critical. Sacrificing proper form will not make you stronger; it will only make you injured. Attending a live, hands-on coaching program by a professional for these lifts is highly recommended prior to these workouts. If you cannot perform these lifts with strict technique and form, DO NOT DO THEM. YOU WILL GET INJURED.
MetCon: Set up a bar with ~180% of your body weight, and a bar with ~80% of your body weight. For time, perform 10 rounds of HSPUs, clean and jerks with ~80% body weight, and deadlifts with ~180% body weight with these repetitions: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Primary Work: 50 overhead squats (~60% body weight), 50 front squats (~80% body weight), 50 back squats with body weight.
Gut: 100 sit-ups with ~20% body weight on chest
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Maintain strict form when doing these exercises. Failure to do so can and will result in serious injury. Do not let your ego dictate the weight you use. Keep form tight and correct. Form is paramount. If form starts to slip, go lighter in weight.


Primary Work: 5x Muscle-ups, L-sit pull-ups, L-tuck pull-ups, dead-hang pull-ups, kipping pull-ups, dead-hang chin-ups
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang cleans, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Tertiary Work: 5 sets of reverse curls followed by curls, with a weight that allows you to complete 8–12 repetitions.
Gut: 100 V-ups, 100 Russian twists, 100 sit-ups, 100 reverse crunches
MetCon: Every Minute On The Minute (EMOTM): burpees/pull-ups

Perform as many muscle-ups as you can in one set. Next do a set of max L-sit pull-ups, then max L-tuck pull-ups, max dead-hang pull-ups, max kipping pull-ups, and finally max chin-ups. Repeat this circuit 5 times, taking minimal rest between sets.
MetCon: On the minute, perform 5 burpees and then maximum pull-ups for a total of 6 minutes.

Primary Work: 5x max ring-dips, ring push-ups, bar-dips, clap push-ups, deep push-ups, push-ups
Secondary Work: 6 sets of hang snatches, with a weight that allows you to do 3–6 repetitions per set while maintaining good form.
Gut: 5 max sets of ring L-sits.
MetCon: On the minute: burpees/ring-dips.

Perform as many ring-dips as you can in one set. Next do a set of max ring push-ups, then max bar-dips, max clap push-ups, max deep push-ups, and finally max regular push-ups. Repeat this circuit 5 times, taking minimal rest between sets.
MetCon: On the minute, perform 5 burpees and then maximum ring-dips for a total of 6 minutes.

Primary Work: 8–10 sets of the clean and jerks, building up to 4 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 2–4 repetitions.
Gut: Complete 5 sets of hanging windshield wipers
MetCon: Circuit HSPUs, clean and jerks, deadlifts

Form and technique are absolutely critical. Sacrificing proper form will not make you stronger; it will only make you injured. Attending a live, hands-on coaching program by a professional for these lifts is highly recommended prior to these workouts. If you cannot perform these lifts with strict technique and form, DO NOT DO THEM. YOU WILL GET INJURED.
MetCon: Perform 30 repetitions of clean and jerks with ~60% body weight without putting the bar down, rest 2 minutes; perform 20 repetitions with the same weight, rest 2 minutes; perform 10 repetitions.

Primary Work: 8 sets overhead squat, back squat
Gut: 100 sit-ups with ~20% body weight on chest
MetCon: 3,2 km (2-mile) run

Maintain strict form when doing these exercises. Failure to do so can and will result in serious injury. Do not let your ego dictate the weight you use. Keep form tight and correct. Form is paramount. If form starts to slip, go lighter in weight.
Perform 8–10 overhead squats, increasing weight each set until you reach failure. Rest 2–3 minutes between sets. Once failure is reached, drop the weight back down to the last weight you made and perform 3 more max sets.
Once overhead squats are complete, add ~20% to that weight. This weight should be a weight that you can back squat about 10 times. Now perform 20 back squats without racking the bar. This should be the most brutal set of squats you have ever done. From repetition 12 on, each rep should require total focus, concentration, grit, and pure will.

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Bildquelle: Pexels, CC0 Creative Commons

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